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OpenWeather Refined Translating

GitHub Repository

GNOME Extensions Page


  • Git
  • Gettext & Make
  • A text editor or specialized translation editor
    • Some text editors include: Vim, Emacs, Nano, Gedit
    • Some translation editors: Gtranslator, Poedit, Lokalize

Forking the Repo

First fork the repository on GitHub then clone it to your desktop.


The po/ folder contains a lot of *.po files that are the translation files you will edit. They look like the following:

  • en.po would be the general English file
  • en_US.po would be the American English file

If your locale is set to en_GB (British English) in this situation the en.po file would be used as it is an English catch-all, however if you had your locale set to en_US (American English) it would use the en_US.po file.

Creating a new Language

Most major language files already exist in the project but if there isn’t one you can create a new language with the msginit program:

$ msginit -i ./po/openweather.pot -o ./po/LANGUAGE.po

(Replace LANGUAGE with your language tag)


Open the file in your editor. If you are using a plain text editor, make sure to look at the fields at the top and adjust the time, name, email, etc.

The GUI editors are intuitive and the syntax of the plain text files is mostly self-explanatory (you fill in the msgstr field).

Format Specifiers

Format specifiers look like %s and they are dynamically replaced with a piece of text. It should be present in the translation.


Ensure there are no syntax errors by running make mergepo:

Common Errors

Unexpected Newline

You can use multiple lines in a translation for organization, but each line should be contained in quotes ("). For example:

msgstr "This sentence is really long so it's gonna be "
"two lines in the file here"

Missing Format Specifiers

If there are format specifiers like %s that many must be in the translation:

msgid "%s in the trash and %s on the elevator"
msgstr "%s in the bin and %s on the lift"


Commit with a name like Better Spanish Translations and submit a pull request.